NEW YORK, NY, March 26, 2015 – The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc. announces that Charles C. Bergman, Chairman and CEO, will be honored at CITYarts’ 47th Anniversary Gala: “Making a Difference Through the Arts”.Stephanie French, a pioneering corporate philanthropist and leader in the arts will also be honored at the gala. The event will be held on May 19, 2015 at Windows on the Hudson New York City ALLIANZ Building, 1633 Broadway.
The Foundation is also pleased to announce that Christy MacLear, Executive Director of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, will present Mr. Bergman with the artistic award created especially for him by one of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation’s earliest grant recipients, Petah Coyne. Ms. Coyne received her grant from the Foundation in the early stage of her career in 1987.
Under Mr. Bergman’s leadership over the past 30 years, over 4,000 grants totaling $62 million to artists in 76 countries have been awarded. Among many other philanthropic involvements, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers and the Children’s Radio Foundation. He has been a Trustee of the Rubin Museum, Chairman of the Leadership Council for the New York Foundation for the Arts and has served on the New York State Council on the Arts as well as the New York City Cultural Commission. Most recently, he has joined the Philanthropy Committee of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation where he is actively engaged in giving advice on their grant making program.
CITYarts is an organization with a long rich history of supporting the arts and brings young people and professional artists together to create public art. Through this creative process, CITYarts empowers youth and connects children locally and around the world to become active participants in transforming communities.
For more information, please contact Tsipi Ben-Haim, Executive and Creative Director of CITYarts. (212) 966-0377.